We are committed to training the broadest possible range of people, while maintaining the highest possible standard of professional practice. We have delivered hundreds of Logotherapy-trained lay counsellors and professionals into the communities of South Africa, Israel and Turkey.

Our Vision

We are committed to sharing and promoting the practice of logotherapeutic principles, and strongly believe that Viktor Frankl's philosophy can improve the lives of all people.

Financial Transparency Statement

We are an autonomous body. We do not receive grants or subsidies from government, or any other business or organisation. VFISA is self-funded through course and membership fees.

Our Credentials

VFISA is managed and supported by registered clinical psychologists and passionate, committed staff. The team has a broad range of qualifications, skills and experience—including psychology, medicine, philosophy, economics, business, finance, law and marketing.

We are in co-operative contact with Logotherapy trainers in Israel, Turkey and the United States, and our courses are accredited by the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis in Vienna.