
We would very much like you to be a part of our great initiative to bring Logotherapy to the broadest possible range of South Africans.

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Who Can Register

VFISA membership is open to everyone, and is a requirement for any person who practices Logotherapy in South Africa.


Members are part of a network of membership with other Logotherapy institutes worldwide. Close co-operation with the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy of the United States of America ensures that members are kept abreast of the work and publications of Logotherapy practitioners internationally. Close co-operation also exists with the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy in Israel. News from our Logotherapy training base in Turkey is also shared with members.

Listing on our Website Directory

We offer a free listing on this website for registered Logotherapists to advertise their services.

Articles and Publications

We undertake to assist members in writing items of logotherapeutic interest in journal form for submission to The International Forum for Logotherapy: Journal of Search for Meaning.


The fee for membership is R300 annually. Membership is valid for one year from the date you enrol.

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